Week 4.5: Euclidean Ensemble
The way this piece works is quite simple: Once you hear a change in the drum pattern, you are allowed to edit more numbers in your Euclidean pattern. Use angle brackets, < >
at will!
- Gradually, activate your parts.
- Bass drum on one: change pitch.
- Four on the floor: change rotation.
- Hi-hats: change pulses.
- Snare: change subdivisions from 8 to 16 and increase other values accordingly.
- Drums cut out: gradually silence your parts.
Copy the following code into a collaborative editor. The “conductor” gets to edit the drum pattern while all the musicians. Make sure to activate the parts first using the code on the bottom, and feel free to change the names to match your ensemble.
m1 $ n "0(3, 8, 0)" # s "arpy"
m1 silence
m2 $ n "2(3, 8, 0)" # s "arpy"
m2 silence
m3 $ n "3(3, 8, 0)" # s "arpy"
m3 silence
m4 $ n "4(3, 8, 0)" # s "arpy"
m4 silence
m5 $ n "6(3, 8, 0)" # s "arpy"
m5 silence
m6 $ n "0(3, 8, 0)" # s "arpy"
m6 silence
-------- conductor
d10 $ s "bd" -- "bd*4
# room 0.2
d11 $ n (fast 4 ("~ <[[0|0|0|1|2|3]]!7 [0 2]>")) # s "hc" # gain 0.8 # pan 0.4
d12 $ s "~ sn:2 ~ sn:2" # room 0.1 # pan 0.6
d10 silence
d11 silence
d12 silence
-- start here
m1 = p 1 . (# pan 0) . (# room 0.2) . (# crush (fast 8 ("[6|6|6|4|3|3|2]")))
m2 = p 2 . (# pan 0.2) . (# room 0.2) . (# vowel (choose ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]))
m3 = p 3 . (# pan 0.4) . (# room 0.2) . (# bpf (range 1000 3000 rand)) . (# bpq 2.5)
m4 = p 4 . (# pan 0.6) . (# room 0.2) . (# triode 3) . (# leslie 0.8) . (# lrate 0.2) . (# gain 0.95)
m5 = p 5 . (# pan 0.8) . (# room 0.2) . (# squiz (slow 5 (range 2 10 sine))) . (# gain 0.95)
m6 = p 6 . (# pan 1) . (# room 0.2) . (# lpf (slow 6 (range 400 1000 sine)))